FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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First Lines
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Billy Vernero
In an Arizona twon one day, Billy Vernero head them say that a band of apache Indians were on the trail of death.
alkali, Chapo, Bess
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Lonesome Cowboy
I ain't got no father, I ain't got no father.
right from wrong, long way from home, poor lonesome cowboy
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Curtains of Night
When the curtains of night are pinn'd back by the stars.
heav'n kiss, I'll remember you, love, in my prayers
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Dreary Black Hills
Kind friends, won't you listen to my pitiful tale.
Cheyenne, don't travel away, scalp
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Ten Thousand Cattle
Ten thousand cattle, gone astray.
son-of-guns, gambling hells delaying
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Night Herding Song
Go slow, little dogies quit your roving around.
feed kind of slow, snore, stretch
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Good Bye Old Paint
Good-bye Old Paint, I'm a-leavin' Cheyenne.
pony, paces, wagon
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Sam Bass
Sam Bass was born in Indiana, it was his native home.
Texas, fate, gold
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Dreary, Dreary Life
A cowboy's life is a dreary, dreary life.
wolves, owls, Pecos
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Cowboy's Lament
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo.
white linen, parched lips, dead
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Fuller and Warren
Ye sons of Columbia your attention I do crave.
Indiana State, fickle minded maiden, claims
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Rio Grande
Oh, the Rio Grande is flowing and the starry skies are bright.
banjo, sing songs of yore, heart is full of woe
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Great Grandad
Great Grandad when the west was young, barr'd his door with a wagon tongue.
cornpone, coon-skin cap, picked teeth with hunting knife
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Tenderfoot
One day I thought I'd have some fun.
pony, cowpunching, saloon
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Zebra Dun
We were camp'd there upon the plains at the head of Cimarron.
Santa Fe, Old Dunny, "I'm the wolf of all the world"
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Big Corral
This tiny brute from the cattle chute.
snoot, press along, half-bred chink
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Hear the Wind Blow
Look down the valley, the valley so low.
valley, wind, blow
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Bad Companions
Come all, you young companions and listen to me.
bad company, justice, scaffold
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
The Trail to Mexico
I made up my mind to mend my way and quit the crowd.
kisses sweet, Mexico, girls are true
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
When I was Young and Foolish
When I was young and foolish I never dodged a fight.
sprees and shooting, married, wife
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Buffalo Skinners
'Twas in the town of Jacksboro in the spring of seventy three.
Crego, navy six and needle gun, extravagant, Pease River
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
When the Work's All Done This Fall
A group of jolly cowboys discussing plans at ease.
rags, jags, not see my mother, Charlie
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Windy Bill
Oh, Windy Bill was a Texas boy.
flint-rock, Sam Stack, old maguey
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
In the Days of Forty-Nine
You are gazing now at old Tom Moore.
comrades, Monte Pete, gold
American Cowboy Songs
Robbins Music Corporation
FC 11 A-02
Jesse James
Jesse James was a lad who killed many a man.
friend to the poor, Frank, Mister Howard
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