FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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First Lines
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Sum of the Parts
A sore cantankerous S.O.B.; Is generally what they say of me; And I reckon they ain't missed 'er by too much.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Shrine
The corner; By the bank; Is always crowded.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
He sits by a battered old table; That rivals his three-score-and-ten, Its surface worn smooth by the cups and the plates; And the coast of forgotten old men.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Grand Adventure
We face each day a slender strand; Above the bleak abyss, And only those who venture forth; Can know what others miss.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Fortress
Once erected with the fevered dream; Of commerce, fame, and hope, The saggin' stoop keeps vigil with the rail, Playin' host to driftin' punchers; Seekin' stock they'd failed to scope, Livin' relic with a sign that reads "For Sale."
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Splinters and Beams
Why is it impossible; For college-educated; Urban-oriented; Despots.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Brotherhood
Harkin' back to times of meaning, though the words were never said, Torrents pour in mass profusion from each hardened heart and head, Forgin' bonds as strong as lineage 'tween the growin', motely crews, Sharin' phrases chocked with meanin' for the ones who paid their dues.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The morning mists lay silent; As we sit amongst the shroud; That cloaks suspicious cattle in their lair.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Resurrection and Life
With talents atrophied, Brandin's are but caricatures of times; Long past.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Square Pegs
Some mav'ricks never cease to pine when freedom's gate is shut; While they wither from effects of constant strife, Gazin' always t'wards the distant hills with longin' in their gut; Till frustration fin'lly snuffs the flame of life.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Only Yesterday
Each fresh new mornin' sings its song; To them that lend an ear, For life is still exciting; When you mark your eighteenth year.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Do you mind some cold, clear mornin' settin' horseback on a bluff; When the air was still and ringin' in yore ears, And you orta been a-foggin' down amongst the rocks and brush; To make it to that gunyun 'fore them steers?
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Guidon
Ol' Cousie hung a lantern on the wagon tongue each night; To guide the guard while easin' back to camp.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Reasons for Stayin'
"What's the myst'ry of the wagon?" asked a towny, green as grass, As he vis'ted on a dreary autumn day; Fer there weren't a sign of romance nor no waddies 'round with class, And he couldn't see why one would want to stay.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Grinnin' Grass
When it's been bone dry for ages; And the land is parched and cracked, Bills festoon accountants' pages, Them that ain't already sacked.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Lure of Home
Ah! The romance of the wagon; When the mud is ankle-deep; And your soogans git so soppin' wet; You ain't about to sleep.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Layin' snuggled in yore soogans on some frosty winter's eve, With the cavvy grazin' quietly 'cross the fence, Brought a plumb relaxin' feelin' knowin' "bob" was standin' guard; And for once the boss's idly made some sense.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
A Different Outlook
The fencin' project started in the early days of spring; When the ground was hard as Portland ever gits, So with blisters quickly formin' that ol' sweat began to sting; And all the hands were havin' temper fits.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Ramblin' to the Wagon
Say, boys! Let's quit this stinkin' town; And head back t'wards the wagon!
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Fall's Last Fire
Payday camp is purty quiet, 'Stead of springtime tricks and riot, Fer the crew will git laid off through winter's chill, Left of wander 'til the brandin'; With the wagon boss expandin'; On each Cayuse snared by wranglers' ropin' skills.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
"Hey, Pard!" I heard 'im holler; As he strode across the floor.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Changin' of the Guard
We spied 'im as he crossed the flat aboard a bronky scamp; Intent on makin' supper, plain enough, Then wondered how he'd take the news of headin' back to camp, 'Cause the boss had said Ol' Bob invented tough.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
The Reunion
Hunkered down by glowin' embers, billin' coffee in a can, Reminiscing' 'bout some times they'd near forgot, Visitin' millionaire and waddie crossed some common ground agin, Sharin' silence, thoughts, and cowboy coffee pot.
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Peavine's Odyssey
From the Arizona desert to the Colorado pines, Or the grassy plains of Texas in the fall, Ol' Peavine made the roundups, though he never had a job; For the works were like a fancy Christmas ball!
The Medicine Keepers
FC 11 A-10
J.B. Allen
Rites of Passage
Bone-tired and gut-sick; At the Red River's verge; Sat a thicket-scarred waif of the Plains, A feller full-growed; By the wake of his deeds; And the touch of his hands on the reins.