FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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29769 results found for "No Search Criteria Set"
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Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
C. McKay
To the West
To the West! To the West! To the land of the free.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
To the West: A Parody
To the West! To the West! I once went, do you see.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Hell in Texas
The Devil, we're told, in hell was chained.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
J. Hutchinson
Ho! For California!
We've formed our band and are well mann'd.
promised land, gold, freedom
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
I'm Off to California
Now, darkies, gather round me -- I got a thing to tell.
gold, white folks, California Gold Mining Company
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Rolling Stone
Since times are so hard, I'll tell you, my wife.
California, strife, fortune, farming, Indians
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Westward Ho
I love not Colorado.
Montana, Wyoming, Kansas, Nevada, Arizona, Apache, New Mexico
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Coming Around the Horn
Now miners, if you'll listen, I'll tell you quite a tale.
sail, gold, New York City, ship, boils, San Francisco
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
The Fools of '49
When gold was found in '48, the people said 'twas gas.
mining, New Orleans
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
J. Nichols
Oh, California
I came from Salem City.
San Francisco, ship, gold dust
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
A Ripping Trip
You go aboard of a leaky boat.
San Francisco, cholera, scurvy, Panama
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Humbug Steamship Companies
The greatest imposition that the public ever saw.
California, Panama, Golden Gate, Yankee Blade, San Francisco
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Oh, around Cape Horn we are bound for to go.
California, San Francisco Bay
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Dying Californian
Lay up nearer, brother, nearer.
God, wife, children, heaven, repentance
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Crossing the Plains
Come all you Californians, I pray open wide your ears.
revolvers, bowie-knife, belt, cooking, Indians, Platte river, desert, overland, Placerville, Sacramento City
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John P. Grantham
O if I was at Home Again
In Mt. Pleasant I once did live and had a happy home.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Sweet Betsey From Pike
Oh, don't you remember sweet Betsey from Pike.
Platte, mountains, Salt Lake, Brigham Young, desert, Placerville, miner
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Emigrant From Pike
I have just arrived across the Plains.
mining, Indians, cholera, Platte, desert, California, poor
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Arrival of the Greenhorn
I've just got in across the Plains, I'm poorer than a snail.
Chimney Rock, Missouri River, California, Digger tribe, Indians, Pike, Salt Lake City, Brigham Young, desert, Sacramento, mining
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Johnny's Dead
It was on the banks of the Humboldt that old Johny fell.
gold, silver, Platte, Fort Laramie, drinking
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Charley Rhoades
The Pioneer Stage Driver
I'm going to tell a story, and I'll tell it in my song.
Pioneer line, Bally Green, Wells & Fargo, Silver City, greenbacks
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
California Stage Company
There's no respect for youth or age.
Chinamen, tobacco, mountains, drivers, Bates and Rowe
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Nat Stein
The Overland Stage Driver
I sing to everybody, in the country and the town.
Statesmen, warriors, traders, plains, mountains, Ben Holladay, West
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Bull-Wacker
Oh! I'm a jolly driver on the Salt Lake City Line.
Indians, antelopes, deer, buffalo, elk, prickly pears, prairie dogs
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Bill Peters, the Stage Driver
Bill Peters was a hustler.
Independence, Indians, mail, Smokey Hill, Comanches
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