FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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29769 results found for "No Search Criteria Set"
Book Title
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Poem Title
First Lines
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Pete Orman
I'll tell all you skinners from John Day to Bend.
Shaniko, Cow Canyon, Oregon Trunk
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Freighting from Wilcox to Globe
Come all you jolly freighters.
Gila, stealing, copper checks, Livermore
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Robert Snell
The Railroad Cars are Coming
The great Pacific Railway.
iron rail, prairie, Mormon land
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Subsidy: A Goat Island Ballad
There is a corporation within this Golden State.
railroads, Mormon, Sacramento City, San Francisco, Oakland, legislature, Stanford, Yerba Buena
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Iron Horse
Th' iron horse draweth nigh.
steam, bridges, tunnels, mountains, railroad, Salt Lake Valley, east, west, Pacific, plains, Union, saints, religion, Danites, Mormons
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Echo Canyon
At the head of great Echo, there's a railroad begun.
Mormons, Brigham Young, ox teams, saints, Utah
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
S.L. Samson
Bishop Zach, the Mormon Engineer
Zack Black came to Utah in Eighty-three.
Mormon, locomotive
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Way Out in Idaho
Come, all you jolly railroaders, and listen if you can.
Oregon Short Line, Pocatello, American Falls, Kilpatrick's camp, tramp, O'Brien's camp
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Wandering Laborer's Song
It was up on the Moffat Tunnel in Colorado's snowy clime.
pick, shovel, Denver-Salt Lake Line, Mount Shasta, prostitutes
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Charley L. Grant
The Peninsula Pike
There's a railroad they call the Peninsula Pike.
Megler, Holman, Ilwaco Junction, rusty lines, rotten ties, spikes, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Joe Hill
Casey Jones, the Union Scab
The workers on the S.P. line, to strike sent out a call.
engineer, strike, Angels Union
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
D.G. Robinson
Seeing the Elephant
When I left the States for gold.
miners, bust, Platte, Pike, Great Salt Lake, Mormon, Brigham Young, desert, Marysville, Downieville, Hangtown, gamblers
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Hunting After Gold
When I left old New York, to go hunting after gold.
Sacramento, mountains, temperance, drinking, drunk, mining, Nevada, quartz
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
The Gold Digger's Lament
I am going far away from my creditors just now.
Uncle Sam, mines, gold
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
Prospecting Dream
I dreamed a dream the other night, when everything was still.
miner, gold, stealing
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
California Ball
'Twould make our eastern people cave.
dance, mothers, babies, drunken, gambler
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John Woodward
Joe Bowers
My name it is Joe Bowers, I've got a brother Ike.
Missouri, Pike, California, mining, gold, butcher
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
The Lousy Miner
It's four long years since I reached this land.
gold, miner, lice, deceit
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Thaddeus W. Meighan
California As it Is
I've been to California and I haven't got a dime.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
California Bloomer
Miss Ella she is twenty-nine.
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Hector A. Stuart
California Joe
I am a Forty-niner, come here as long ago.
Green Mountain State, Yuba, Golden Land, mining, death
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
John A. Stone
When I Went Off to Prospect
I heard of gold at Sutter's Mill.
Michigan Bluff, Iowa Hill, miner, prospect
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Barney Riley
San Juan
I located a claim in Creede.
mining, Rio Grande, Navajo
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
Cherry Creek Emigrant's Song
We expect hard times, we expect hard fare.
Indians, Pike's Peak, gold, quartz
Songs of the American West
Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer and David Cohen
FC 11 L-10
A.O. McGrew
A Hit at the Times
Way out upon the Platte, near Pikes Peak, we were told.
gold, emigration, surveyors
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