FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Book Title
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Poem Title
First Lines
Trail Dust of a Maverick
FC 11 B-15
E.A. Brininstool
A Roar from the Bunkhouse
Nary thing to eat Thanksgivin'.
Thanksgiving, holiday, celebration, food, foodways, turkey, occupation
Trail Dust of a Maverick
FC 11 B-15
E.A. Brininstool
An Old-Timer's Lament
No more we'll hear the driver's shout.
old-timer, railroad, past, stagecoach, progress
Trail Dust of a Maverick
FC 11 B-15
E.A. Brininstool
The Way of the World
Flush, and the world will greet you.
money, wealth, poverty, fortune, misfortune, spend, borrowing
Trail Dust of a Maverick
FC 11 B-15
E.A. Brininstool
The Old Cowman's Choice
You kin have yer car as it's standin' thar.
car, automobile, cow pony, progress, machine, technology
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Everett Brisendine Says
I had a saddle when I come here.
saddle, 1927, Arizona, hard times, work, honor, labor, aging, life, seventy-seven years old, prosperity
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Ol' Cowboys Never Die
Ol' cowboys are a breed.
aging, bowed legs, wrinkles, Dutch ovens, gentleman, foodways, storytelling, dallies, jerking the slack, missing fingers, rawhide, pocket knife, feed, odor, dress, occupational lore, bowlegged, occupation
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Standin' Night Guard
When you're ridin' around a night herd.
night-herding, midnight, Big Dipper, cattle herd, night guard, horse, past, memories, occupational lore, occupation
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
The Palace Bar
If you ever come to Arizona.
Arizona, Palace Bar, Southwest, Prescott, Whiskey Row, fortune, past, miners, whiskey, chop suey, Chinamen, leisure time
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Christmas in a Winter Camp
When you are winterin' in a cow camp.
winter, Christmas, holiday, cow camp, cold, snow, cedar wood, coffee, fire, gravy, foodways, grub, food, nose bags, Orejana, work, occupation, alone
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
The Old Punchers' Reunion
I flew down to Texas.
Texas, San Antone, Junior Daugherty, fiddler, Johnny Whelan, harmonica, guitar, Hawaii, Karin Kaleamau, ukulele, Duff Severe, rodeo clown, Glen Ohrlin, Ken Trowbridge, Montana, Brownie Ford, Louisiana, Everett Brisendine, Old Punchers' Reunion
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Winterin' Alone
At times you are so lonesome.
solitude, loneliness, living alone, winter, home, reminisce, fiddle, read, books
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
The Chuck wagon Cook
I went to the T Bar S wagon.
T Bar S, chuck wagon, cook, hunger, Dutch ovens, biscuit, food, foodways, Charlie Mullican, friendship, help
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Unsung Heroes of the West
Listen to me for a minute.
occupational lore, broken bones, bronc riding, doctor, nurse, heroes, medicine, bronc busting, occupation
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
This Ol' House
When I come into this ol' house.
house, home, memories, tears, children, kitchen, family, birthdays, holiday, time, fate
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
Watch It
Some folks get so high and mighty.
prosperity, wealth, pride, whiskey, Cadillac, money, creditors, loans
Old Cowboys Never Die
FC 11 B-16
Everett Brisendine
They Just Ride Away Into the Setting Sun
A lot of the boys are already gone.
heaven, belief, life, death, setting sun, work, completion
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
One Man of a Kind
During my travels across this land.
man, Chino, ranchhand, admiration, tribute, Everett Brisendine
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
To Harry Cooney -- Albuquerque
In the mail I got a letter.
letter, mail, poet, writing, friendship
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
In Memory of a Pardner
These days I'm sad and lonely.
sadness, loneliness, death, message, pardner, friend, friendship, belief, afterlife, empty saddle, memories, pardners
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
To a Wonderful Lady
I knew a little Lady.
lady, wrinkles, aging, beauty, change, home, mother, Golden Rule, education, teacher, woman
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
Springtime in Arizona
Spring has come to Arizona.
spring, Arizona, nature, West, satisfaction
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
Arizona, Home Sweet Home
When we came to Arizona.
Arizona, home, breaking horses, open range, fences, youth
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
Cowboy Country
I camped down in a canyon.
camp, friend, pardner, hobble, lion, bell, owl, coyote, food, pots and pans, Bally, wishes, hope, friendship, pardners
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
The Happy Cowboy
Way high on the mountain.
mountain, tracking, birds, nature, canyon
One Man of a Kind
FC 11 B-17
Everett Brisendine
My Toeholt in the Foothills
I've got a little place.
place, foothills, Indians, belief, appreciation
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