FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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First Lines
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
The Phantom Horse
There is a place where the big hawks soar over the Utah rims.
Utah, Bitter Creek, mustangs, buckskin, horse, phantom horse, phantom rider
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
The Reps from Bitter Creek
We camped up on the mountain at the head of old P.R.
camping, pack, string, Purdy boys, Squires, Johnny Mock, Dude Larson, Willow Creek, Bitter Creek, youth, T+X, kid, nine-year-old, gray horse, ugly horse, Dynamite, Jack, glassy eye
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
Oh Lucky Boy
Oh, I was the luckiest boy in the world for I had an old time cowboy for my dad.
father, son, youth, childhood, being square, mother, family, home, lucky, aging, grandfather
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
These Things
Some towering rim rocks, sheer and brown.
memories, family, home, mother, father, youth, childhood, aging
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
Ode To a Johnnie
Pansies have bright little faces that smile on the whole world the same.
flowers, pansies, rose, violet, johnnies, shade, nature
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
Jerry McCarty
Jerry McCarty was a wolf.
wolf, whelp, wolf pack, pup, bounty, pet, death, children, family, home
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
As the Poppies Blossom Red
The old house slumps in the quakie trees.
aspen, house, home, aging, time, poppies, family, seasons
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
The Legion of the Lost
They come from every walk in life, they go, no man knows where.
love, bums, pity, fallen woman, broken heart, hobo, judgment, stranger, suicide, end of the trail, daughter, lost
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
The Little Bay Racer
You can talk about your horses, of your thoroughbreds an' such.
race horse, thoroughbred, bay, wild horse, racer, bucking horse
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
Warden Brown
He rode into the ranch at dark, he said his name was Brown.
game warden, game, hunting, cat, mountain lion, prey, out-of-season
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
The Arizona Line
The horses they all want to buck.
horses, bucking, Arizona Line, song
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
Nineteen Twenty and Three
We sat on the stoop by the old kitchen door.
memories, reminisce, parent, child, childhood, youth, daughter, 1923,family, home
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
Old Timer
While out upon the ridges ridin' 'round the other day.
pinto mare, aging, wild horses, fun, old-age, old-timer
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
Roundup Time on the Mountain
Each fall they rode the summer range to gather up the steers.
roundup, John Doey, grub, food, pack, meat, butcher, father, Dad, beef, moocher
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
My Garden
You can't see my garden, mother.
writing, garden, flowers, vegetables, planting, letter, husband, wife
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
The Blue Tiger
Oh, my horse is a bronchi, he runs on the range.
bronco, blue horse, bucking bronco, bronc busting
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
I Know a Place
I know a place with a bubbling spring.
memories, past, seasons, sadness
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
There's a land laying west of the Rockies.
Utah, Rocky Mountains, belief, God, San Juan
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
To a Sunbeam
The days are dark and dreary, I'm lonely and feeling blue.
sunbeam, sunlight, sadness, loneliness, God, belief, light, gratitude
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
When a Cowboy Says I Do
A wolf lost his mate, became a lobo, ran alone the rest of his life.
heartache, mate, wife, loss, death, husband, Grim Reaper
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer
Just Ranchin'
Three riders loped along a trail, their horses wet with sweat.
gray wolf, wolf, prey, ranch, corral, poles, children, child's play, play, youth, childhood
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
Wild Horse Chasin'
Dad spotted a "wild bunch" on McCook.
wild horses, Bitter Creek, children, childhood, youth, boy, girl, father, family, close-call, rescue
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frances Brewer Steiner
The One That Got Away
For years dad lived on Bitter Creek.
Bitter Creek, father, mustangs, wild horses, hoof prints, tracking, close-call, pinned, fallen horse, broken neck, trapped, dig
Ballads of the Book Cliffs
Frank A. Brewer and Frances Brewer Steiner
FC 11 B-18
Frances Brewer Steiner
Dad's Mouse Trap
One early spring when snow still lay in deep drifts on the ground.
mice, rodents, branding mice, T+X, mouse trap, children, childhood, mischief
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Song of the Saddle
A saga of Saddle and Lonesome Land.
last frontier, land, cowboys