FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Idaho Kid
The Idaho Kid they called him, slim as a blade of grass.
Idaho Kid, glove, gunman, notches, gun, killer, music
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Mirage, Mirage, in the Desert
Mirage, mirage in the desert, fooling, fooling you.
mirage, desert
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The Old Prospector
He has wandered up the Wapoo Pass and down Comanche Trail.
Wapoo Pass, Comanche Trail, Lone and Last, Wild Horse Vale, Shoofly, Oreana Pass, Bruneau Gulch, Red Horse, Wild Grass, prospector, prospecting, pick, packhorse, gold, gold pan, mine, bonanza, aging, old-age
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The old ranch seems content tonight, as I view it from the hill.
contentment, ranch, harvest, grain, night, contentedness
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Top Rider Tex
Tex was a good top rider for the spread of the Diamond A.
Tex, top rider, Diamond A, friends, friendship, drunk, rustler, brand, law, outlaw, hanging, lynching, rustling
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Arid Desert Land
Out through the desert reaches, with bleached and ghostly hands.
desert, canteen, thirst, dry, mirage, bones, birds, vultures, alkali, water, rain, survival
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Song of Pioneer Women
There's as song of Pioneer Women that the sage and the willows sing.
pioneers, women, settler, past, song, wife, mother, frontier
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The Draw
And so we stood--the bronze horseman and I.
horseman, Cross Bar T, gunfight, hate, killing, death
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
My Horses
There they are, their long day's work is done, my horses, standing in the last of sun.
horses, work, Spot, Star face, Bell, Blade, White foot, Silver, Strawberry Roan, Lady Jane, Lilly Bell
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Give Me an Old Black Fry Pan
Give mean old back frying pan, some fish hooks in my hat.
frying pan, fishing, fish, game, hunting, survival, prospecting, gold
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
To a Cow Town Down the Line
We've finished the round up and brandin' and we're lookin' for a time.
cow town, roundup, branding, thirst, dirty, barber, money, drink, Circle G 9
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Cattle In A Blizzard
High sweeps the wind like a rushing of wings.
blizzard, north, cattle, freezing, icy, lost cattle, freeze, death
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Bronco Buster
The riders tall and rangy, sit on the birch corral.
rider, bronc busting, corral,
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Pinto Pony
Little old pinto pony, poor little tired hoss.
pinto, horse, going home, dedication
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
My Blue Stone Home in the West
There's a blue stone home where the poplars stand.
home, stone, Owyhee, bucket, well,
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The Sheepherder
You see my little tent like a white bird on the mountain side.
sheepherder, tent, sheep, sheepdog, dog, coyote
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Smiling Jim
Down from the iron-scarred mountains in a valley silent and dim.
Smiling Jim, old-timer, Indian fighter, scout, guide, smile
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The Outlaw
Up through the mountain fastness, up through the lone, bleak trails.
outlaw, posse, life, ethics, choice, understanding
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Joe Weaver of Owyhee
I am Joe Weaver, the trapper.
Joe Weaver, trapper, Owyhee, fate, loner
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Snake River's Purple Valley
There is a purple valley out in Owyhee land.
Snake River, nature
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Autumn Evening on the Ranch
As autumn evening settles down across the fields and hills.
loneliness, autumn, nature, God, law
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Diamond Back, King of the Rattlers
Coiled like a living wire, evil head a-sway.
snake, rattlesnake, diamond back, venom, fangs
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
An Old Song
There's an old song tonight in the willows.
aging, time, past, memories, phantom, Buck Horn Pass
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Bronco Buster
Wild Horse Tex they called him, the bronco buster man.
bronc busting
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Last Trail Homeward
I'm herdin' on my last trail homeward.
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