FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Book Title
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Poem Title
First Lines
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
You Have Returned
You have returned to the Long and Last.
peace, death
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
In the Great Out There
Put me, when my time comes, at the tolling of the bell.
death, burial
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Where the Great Trails Wend
Let me dream where the great trails wend.
past, aging
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Where the Red Gods Call
I seek the trails where the red gods call.
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Old Birch Corral
The old birch corral was builded so well.
corral, Cross Bar Diamond, Cross Diamond Bar, past
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
The Old Gray Desert Got Me
The old gray desert got me.
desert, death
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
Tonight I would gather the stars.
God, night, mystic
Songs of the Saddle and Trails Into Lonesome Land
FC 11 B-19
E.A. Brubacher
I've sung my saga of cattle land.
west, farewell
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
I've had a lot of friends.
friendship. special friend, Albert Taylor, West, Old Al, western law, dad, pioneer, Shoshone squaw, Injun, noble race, lean, healthy, qualities, kindness, humble, beer, drunk, alcohol, respect for women, gentleman, log shack, sod roof, city folk, happiness, freedom, simplicity, pal, God, death
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
I once had a horse.
disposition, jelly, tough old brute, cantankerous, unusual pony, un-predictability, own will, gymnastics, wild horse, whirlwind in hell, coot, quality, attitude, death, fondness
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Cow Heaven
I am just a country boy.
cattle, Diamond A, doggies, good grazing land, native grass, Sandburg, Blue Bunch, Fescue, Shad scale, Black sage, calves, seasons, scattered cattle, cow heaven,, summer, fall, winter, contentedness, mountain, desert, bureaucrats, environmentalists
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Cowpoke's Dream
I had a dream the other night.
cow-punching, trail boss, drover, chuck wagon, broncs, reminisce, remudas, cowboy work, fear, reality, change, differences, truck, airplanes, four-wheel drive, rodeo, gasoline, oil, old ways, new ways, modern times
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Here's a salute to a good old dog.
sadness, friendship, pup, runt, playful, Australian queen, vital, energy, demon, old-age, arthritis, chase cows
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Early Morning Roundup
Have you ever saddled your horse.
early morning, good feelings, content, happiness, nature, sky, color, beauty, sage cocks, coyote, eagle, sun, hawk, rabbit, magpie, horny toad, izzard, rattle, cowboying, rope, hard work, heat, branding, tiredness, dust, earmarking, castrated steer, pain, muscle ache, soreness, contentedness
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Elko Lawman -- Jess Harris
There's been some famous lawmen.
law and order, Bat Masterson, Wyatt Earp, Matt Dillon, sheriff, de-termination, commitment, fearlessness, bad temper, reliable, respect, four-wheel drive, plane, pride, admiration, prisoners, plane crash, sacrifice to escape, honorable behavior, fairness, flying sheriff, Nevada
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Everybody's Friend
To some who look at this old hat.
Diamond A, trade-mark, Eric, friendliness, outdoors, college rodeo, ambitious, youth, fate, memories, thankfulness, kid, sudden death, God, heartache, mourning, grief,
Saddle Talk
FC 11 B-22
Owen J. Barton
Fishing Trip
I once went on a fishing trip.
fishing, exaggeration,
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
Fenced Trails
The trails are fenced that we used to use in the days when I was young.
past, time, trails, fences, extinction, memories, progress
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
The Trail to Extinction
The days of the buffalo are gone and passed.
buffalo, extinction, past, hides, longhorn cow, transition, cowboys, farm
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
My Country
Nothing' but pines and cedars, canyons and coulees and knobs.
nature, belief, God, progress
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
The Corral Dog
The corral dog's life is a dog's life, you bet.
corral dog, cowboy, occupation
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
If you never suffered hunger from early morn till late at night.
occupational lore, occupation
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
Cowboy Sentiment
When the herd's uh grazin' good and your pardner's gone to sleep.
night-herding, women, settle down, day-dream, occupational lore, occupation
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
The Line Rider
When you've been in a line camp alone for months.
loneliness, alone, line camp, winter, snow, cold, companionship, BW
Fenced Trails
FC 11 B-24
Bruce Brockett
Ole Coyote Speaks
Me tepee, he's got old and wore.
aging, Injun, Coyote
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