FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Oh No, It's Gonna Go Higher
The market was so hot on Monday.
cattle, business, changing prices, dice, speculate, broker, banker, guru, horoscope, Elks Club, bid, moral, lessons, punishment, best offer, hero, money, profit
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The Insult
Jimmy was so mad at ol' Billy.
anger, mad, furious, Holstein, barbed wire, mother, father
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
High Good
The Holstein cross in a feet lot.
packer buyers, grading standards, Angus
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The 20th Century Rustler
Oh, where have all the rustlers gone.
thief, steal, Remington, condemned, MBPXL, Iowa Beef, Amour, Swift, trade, Fat Buyer's Guide, discount, left handed pitchers, Yellow Sheet, foot rots, chronics, cheating, bad attitude, rustling
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Hi Tech Pig
What I know about pigs you could put in a hat.
friendly, fat, fertile, fried, pork, salads, sausage, crepes,31 Flavors, Piglet, Hamp, Hamlet, Clyde Barrow, Miss Piggy the Vamp, Porky the Champ, BLT's, food, fixed pork, tasteful meat, sow, feeding, increase weight ,high technological swine, genetically bred
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
It's a Dog's Life
It's a dog's life bein' a cat.
diet, hanging out, calories, mouse, rough life, fur, Foster, Lawrence, Percival, humiliation, D Eight, marked territory
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Rainin' Cats and Dogs - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Move Over Ma - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Ol' Blue
"I loved ol' Blue as much as a man.
dog, friendship, closeness, age, help
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The Cowboy and His Dog
There is a scene that is really pictorial.
time immemorial, historical, characteristics of dogs, love, affection, friendship, obedience, misbehaving, mad, pot licker
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The Lost Dog
I hope I didn't wake y'all, I know it's after nine.
embarrassment, blue-eyed mongrel, children, age, replacement, filling a gap, missing, Saddle Mountain, women, emotions, upset, buggar, happiness,
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The Rest of Us
He used to break horses, he used to herd sheep.
dreams, imagination, hard work, reality, Livestock Gazette, handyman, Jack of all trades, ranch, ownership, poverty, roots
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Livin' in Town
Livin' in town, boys, is hard, Lord, it's hard.
country life, young family, baby, children, horses, poverty, money, saving money, privacy, independence, noise, nature, city life, dreams, reality
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Coffee Shop Communion
You'll find 'em at the sale barn.
farm sale, observe, watch, advice, gossip, opinion, point of view, variety of topics, chatting, solve the world's problems, Gerald Ford, Democrat, mankind, hanging out, pastime, rumors, cafe, meeting place
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
"I'll make you proud you sent me," said the boy to his dad.
education, school, profession, pride, dentist, civil engineer, financial support, loans, divorce, help, difficulties, uneducated father worries, providing money, thankfulness, nurse
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The AG Survival Test - not a poem
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Hangin' On, Hopin' and Prayin' for Rain
There's a fingernail moon hangin' low in the sky.
dry, worries, concerns, lack of money, banker, hope, town, seeds, nature, poverty
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Some Cowboy Philosophy - not a poem
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Luther and the Duck Huntin' - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Salmon Fishing - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Hot Cross Buns - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Tombstone of Canaan
WANTED: A cowpoke to help gather pairs.
Noah, Ark, buckaroo boss, animals, Flood
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Tradin' Horses - narrative
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
The Horse Trader
Have I got a deal for you.
qualities, sicknesses, disadvantages, bad shape, poor health, bloodlines, race
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Where's the Horse Meat!
The horse has distinguished itself in the past.
cows. horse, inversion, Thoroughbred T-Bone, St. George, Trojan Guernsey, Attila the Hun, Astride, Hereford, Holstein, Jersey Express, General Napoleon, Custer, Red Gelding, hors d'oeuvres, Clydesdale filet, Shetland, Black Beauty, Angus, Appaloosa, horse show, carcass class