FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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Poem Title
First Lines
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
Champion of Statehood: Sharlot Hall
My, how she opposed that new bill proposed, couched in words so grandiose!
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
Teresita, La Santa del Cabora
My mother was a Tehueco Indian, My father--well, that was quite plain.
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
Belle of the Bar: Violet Hicks
'Twas a cold dark night in Prescott, January 'ninety-eight, The saloon quite populated for a snowy night so late
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
The Other Mother
And what of the other cowboy? The one tha they called "unknown"
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
The Question of the Cow
You killed my cow! said the Navajo, as he glared at the young Piute.
Arizona Women: Weird, Wild and Wonderful
FC 11 J-16
Dee Strickland Johnson
Wild Flowers of the West
We proceeded out West in '51 on the trail of the rough "forty niners,"
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Trail Herd Incident
Musta' been eighteen days after we started the herd Somewhere up close to the Kansas line.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
We were herdin' for the bunkhouse at a long easy lope, When I questioned my companion why he used a rawhide rope
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
The Fatal Bottle of Booze
Sourdought Sam and Panhandle Slim were playin' stud and tyin' one on
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
The Old Silver Spruce Caf?
I have no idea the young man said, When I asked when the name had changed
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Rancher's Widow
There isn't any doubt about it, the ranch must be sold. Charlie's gone, the children are grown, and I am old.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Star Boarder
There he is, eatin' forty-dollar hay. Could be gettin' thirty a month for his stall.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
There's some things about ridin' that have not been written of.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
A Letter to Big John
How's your old bad back doin', John? And the fares? Have they been good?
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Prospector's Prayer
The air was hot as Hades. Burning sand, gleaming white. No living thing but cactus, a bare and desolate sight.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Dude Roundup
Oh, give me a horse that I can ride, a Western bronc let me bestride.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
The Tetons were somewhat younger, when Strippie came along, just how much younger only Strippie will tell
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Trash Can Tillie
Trash Can Tillie, they called her, she said.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
If, you're down and out, and feelin' kind of blue, and there ain't nothin' in the world, for a guy like you to do;
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Man's Boon
When all else has failed you, and for fame in vain you've hunted, the reason you failed may be.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Eight Years Old, Comin' Nine
Mister, I'm just an old cow horse, my brand's been vented many a time.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
That Night at Louie's Social Hall
Same place. Chandeliers, made of old kerosene lamps, with electic bulbs instead of flames.
Rambler's Notebook: 50 Years of Scribblin': Songs & Poems from the Road
FC 11 A-16
Singin' Sam Agins
Not Even in the Race
He came in with her last Monday night. She came in alone on Tuesday.
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
All Natural Beef
It's true that my steer is all natural.
vaccines, drugs, pesticide, antibiotics, humor, slavers of science, chemicals, susceptible, disease
Coyote Cowboy Poetry
FC 11 B-26
Baxter Black
Cowboy Preserves
I've been searching for a reason as to why we live so long.
life expectancy, medical research, Roman Meal bread, food, variety of preservatives, irony, expiration date