FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Watching the Stars
Each Xmas I'm reminded.
childhood, memories, past, father, story, Jesus, birth, celebration, star of Bethlehem
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
A Sheepherders Vacation
The winter had been long.
cold, wool blind, lay off, underwear, bar, drinks, alcohol, drunk, headache, sick, booze, looser, lambing time
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
An Old Time Christmas
I remember the old time Christmas.
memories, simplicity, modern times, cabin, mansion, Santa, jack pine, happiness, celebration, pines
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Ear Mountain
You tower high above the prairies.
nature, Teton country, pines, old times, past, herd, buffalo, centuries, longhorn cattle, homesteader, God, home
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Shipping Time
Now when I spend my twilight years.
childhood days, memories, autumn, homestead, old times, change, steer, sadness, rail road corral, cattle train
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Where the Grass Grows Greener
One day when I was in town.
city life, reality, rancher, idolize, illusion, hard work, office, cow manure, comfortable life, inconveniences, hard living conditions, worries, weather
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
An Old Timer's Dreaming
When the range land is locked in winter.
dream, winter, loneliness, bunk, bunkhouse
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Rockin' Chair
You've made the long ride old timer.
aging, old-age, rocking chair, old-timer
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
When Your Wick Burns Low
You have come along way old timer.
aging, old-age, rocking chair, rest, old-timer
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Cowboy Talk - not a poem
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Old Letter
Today I found an old letter.
letter, youth, tears, memories
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Old Log Post Office
As I travel down life's winding road.
post office, memories, mail, change
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Cowboy Christmas
This time each year my thoughts go back to my younger days.
Christmas, holiday, foodways, Christmas dinner
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
They are so happy together.
Rodwell Family, family, friends, happiness
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Handy Work of God
I never practiced much religion.
God, religion, handiwork of God, guidance
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Cowboy Homesteader
Times have changed for you old pard, the open range is gone.
range, homesteading, marriage, wife, settle down
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Along the Old Cattle Trail
When I'm setting here day dreaming.
progress, change, cattle trail, cattle drive, day-dream
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Mail Order Bride
The old cowboy on his homestead claim was tired of the lonely life.
mail-order bride, wife, catalogue, beauty, buck teeth
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Our First Model T2
One day my dad he said to me.
car, automobile, Model T
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Black Billy White - not a poem
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
School Days
Though many years have come and gone.
school, youth, teacher, memories
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Four Seasons
The sun is swinging low.
seasons, spring, summer, winter, fall
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Here's to the Old Timers
Here's to the old timers.
work, cowman, homesteader, people
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The Baby Sitter
The wind blew cold on the bench land.
calves, cows
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Old Bud
He was just an old brown horse with a white snip on his nose.