FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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29769 results found for "No Search Criteria Set"
Book Title
Call #
Poem Title
First Lines
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
Ride the Pale Horse
It's time for you to quit Old Timer.
The Big Divide, death, aging, old-timer
Riding the Dim Trails
FC 11 C-01
Austin Campbell
The End
I was setting all alone with nothing left to do.
writing, poetry
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Betsey and I Are Out
Draw up the papers, lawyer, and make 'em good and stout.
divorce, marriage, argue, disagreement, temper, life, husband, wife
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
How Betsey and I Made Up
Give us your hand, Mr. Lawyer: How do you do today?
lawyer, divorce, reconciliation
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Gone with a Handsomer Man
I've worked in the field all day, a-plowin' the "stony streak."
practical joke
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Johnny Rich
Raise the light a little, Jim.
storm, chores, drink, alcoholic
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Out of the Old House, Nancy
Out of the old house, Nancy -- moved up into the new.
home, house, memories
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Over the Hill to the Poor House
Over the hill to the poor house I'm trudgin' my weary way.
aging, poverty, widow, mother, abandonment
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Over the Hill from the Poor House
I, who was always scouted, they say.
mother, son, poverty
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Uncle Sammy
Some men were born for great things.
reason, logic, argument, argue
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Tom was Goin' for a Poet
Tom was goin' for a poet, an' said he'd a poet be.
poet, son, poetry
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Goin' Home Today
My business on the jury's done -- the quibblin' all is through.
jury duty, home
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Out o' the Fire
Year of '71, children, middle of the fall.
fire, elope
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The New Church Organ
They've got a brand new organ, Sue.
music, organ, church
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Editor's Guests
The editor sat in his sanctum, his countenance furrowed with care.
editor, newspaper
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The House Where We Were Wed
I've been to the old farmhouse, good wife.
vows, marriage
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Mother's Return
The white-winged Winter storm swept swiftly past.
death, mother, children, home
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
How Jamie Came Home
Come, Mother, set the kettle on.
war, son
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Clang of the Yankee Reaper
The clang of the Yankee reaper.
grain, England
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Why Should They Kill My Baby?
Why should they kill my baby?
assassination, President Garfield
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Old Man Meditates
Nay, Maggie, let my old-style fancies be.
grandfather, grandchild, memories, progress, meditation
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Apple Blossoms
Underneath an apple tree sat a maiden and her lover.
proposal, courtship
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Apples Growing
Underneath an apple tree sat a dame of comely seeming.
wife, mother, marriage
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Christmas Tree
Where grows the Christmas tree.
Christmas, holiday, Christmas tree
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Autumn Days
Yellow, mellow, ripened days.
autumn, fall
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