FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Book Title
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Poem Title
First Lines
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Fading Flower
There is a chillness in the air.
death, winter
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Picnic Sam
You youngsters who haven't heard of Picnic Sam.
Picnic Sam
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
One and Two
If you to me be cold or I be false to you.
love, companionship
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Death Doomed
They're taking me to the gallows, mother -- they mean to hang me high.
Allen Bayne, hanging, gallows
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Up the Line
Through blinding storm and clouds of night.
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The beast that counts a heart can feel it beat.
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
The Ship Builder
Across the foaming, word lashed sea of thought.
ship, ship builder
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
How We Kept the Day
The great procession came up the street.
Independence Day, 4th of July
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Our Army of the Dead
By the edge of the Atlantic, where the waves of Freedom roar.
army, war, nation, America
Farm Ballads
FC 11 C-02
Will Carleton
Mending the Old Flag
In the silent gloom of a garret room.
flag, stars and stripes, America
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The End of the Trail
'Tween the old time and the new, I have sung heart songs of you.
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Old Cowboy's Lament
The range's filled up with farmers an' there's fences ev'rywhere.
progress, fences, passing of an age
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Irrigator
Was ridin' down a-past his place.
irrigation, mud, garden
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Smell of the Sage Brush in the Mornin'
Oh, the old, red sun is risin' an' the air is clean an' fine.
sagebrush, morning, perfume, scent
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Father and Son
His tough old dad was wont to drive.
father, son, sissy, bully, modern dude
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Waterloo of Poker Bills
Oh, he hailed from the Hills, Black Hills, Black Hills.
Black Hills, poker, Poker Bills
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
When Dutchy Plays the Mouth Harp
When Dutchy plays the mouth harp, ev'ry puncher gathers 'round.
music, stomping, mouth harp
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Bronco Buster
You rough-necks think it plenty fun.
bronc busting, observe, audience
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Cowboy in the City
Hain't much diff'rence, as I see, 'Tween the city man an' me.
city folk, country folk
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Roobiyat of Pigin-Toed Pete
Hain't Life queer? To me she seems.
fate, dance
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Doc Pierce's Choice
My friend, Doc Pierce -- well, Doc an' me.
friendship, music, fiddle music, fiddler, violin, Sunny Southern Skies, homesick, doctor, sky
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
An Oracle of the Plains
A bow-legged cowboy sat rolling, one day.
cigarettes, smoking, cheerfulness, advice, bowlegged
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Widow's Lot
Mis' Pike jes' called -- the first time fer.
widow, courting, suitors, men, handyman, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Chuck Wagon
Cowpuncher's cafay.
food, foodways, chuck wagon, cook
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Branding Pen Gossip
Lem Scobey says to me one time.
brag, braggard, branding
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