FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Waterloo of Poker Bills
Oh, he hailed from the Hills, Black Hills, Black Hills.
Black Hills, poker, Poker Bills
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
When Dutchy Plays the Mouth Harp
When Dutchy plays the mouth harp, ev'ry puncher gathers 'round.
music, stomping, mouth harp
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Bronco Buster
You rough-necks think it plenty fun.
bronc busting, observe, audience
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Cowboy in the City
Hain't much diff'rence, as I see, 'Tween the city man an' me.
city folk, country folk
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Roobiyat of Pigin-Toed Pete
Hain't Life queer? To me she seems.
fate, dance
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Doc Pierce's Choice
My friend, Doc Pierce -- well, Doc an' me.
friendship, music, fiddle music, fiddler, violin, Sunny Southern Skies, homesick, doctor, sky
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
An Oracle of the Plains
A bow-legged cowboy sat rolling, one day.
cigarettes, smoking, cheerfulness, advice, bowlegged
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Widow's Lot
Mis' Pike jes' called -- the first time fer.
widow, courting, suitors, men, handyman, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Chuck Wagon
Cowpuncher's cafay.
food, foodways, chuck wagon, cook
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Branding Pen Gossip
Lem Scobey says to me one time.
brag, braggard, branding
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
In the Gumbo
No use to kick, no use to swear.
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Hank Laimer's Kid
Only youngun on the range.
child, present, gifts
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Animal Rhymes
The coyote he's the smartest one.
animals, coyote, prairie dog, Indian, bronco, badman, cowboy, tenderfoot, porcupine, girl, Indians
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Man of the Ranch
My dad he's gone an' mammy sez.
son, father, manhood, responsibility
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Jim Shivers was the baddest man in the camp, b'jingo.
marriage, wife, boss
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Springtime on the Range
Oh, it's gettin' onto spring, an' so let us up an' sing.
spring, nature, Chinook, birds, flowers
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Down at Haller's Dancin'
They's tunin' up the orchestray down at old Bill Haller's.
square dance, caller, dance
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Moral-Less Tale
She was a perfect lady.
courting, money, tightwad, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Kick of the Ranch Hand
Dern my hide, I feel so lazy.
morning, chores, ranch hand, yawn, dawn, laziness
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Fragment
I never thunk a thought as yet.
idea, thought
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Baldy Joe's Simple Rhyme
Oh, I know an old cowpuncher, an' they call him Baldy Joe.
bald, complain, happiness
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Coarse Lack of Appreciation
I'm the sweetest sort o' singer, but 'most ev'ry time I sing.
singing, appreciation
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Cowboy's Salvation Song
Oh, it's move along, you dogies, don't be driftin' by the way.
dogie, roundup, cattle drive, branding
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Boys Are Comin' to Town
The boys are comin' to town, whoop la!
town, celebration, whoop it up
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Sunshine Song
He sets on the side walk from mornin' 'til night.
singing, worry,song, life
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