FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Doc Pierce's Way
Speakin' of Doc Pierce's way.
friendship, contentedness, westerner, western ways, doctor
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Light Joke
Tho' in a bunk house on a ranch.
light, tin can, electricity, lamp, candle, bunkhouse
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Old Cowboy's Complaint
I stands first guard an' let the kids sleep.
night-herding, time, experience, old pro
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
That There Girl
It's that there girl 'most all the time.
love, lovesick
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Speakin' of Her Eyes
Speakin' of her eyes, well, they makes me.
eyes, love
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Them Heap Big Thoughts
It seems to me some passin' strange.
love, thought, infatuation
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
That Scrub
'Twas jes' at dark on Friday last.
jealousy, government officials, Uncle Sam, surveyor
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
She Writes a Note
She writes a note, it starts, "Dear Boy."
mail, jealousy, surveyor
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Her Hands
As to her hands, say, they's sure fine.
hands, courtship, affection, love
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
When her arms drift 'round my neck.
kiss, girlfriend, love, romance, touch, embrace
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
To Dance with Her
To dance with her rounds-up such bliss.
dance, bliss, touch, love, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Speakin' of Arms
I uster think that arms was made.
arms, holding, hug, love, affection
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
The Tryst
I've ridden since the day throwed back.
courtship, love, romance, secret meeting, longing
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Jes' A-Foolin'
She says to me, "I wish you would jes' quit all time a-teasin' me.
tease, flirt, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Real Affection
If I could say the words I think.
broken heart, smile, affection
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Cowboy's Resolution
I holds a tight rope on conviction.
resolve, bachelor, attraction
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Oh, say, I'd like to tell her that I love her like the breeze loves the leaves.
bashful, communication, love, shy
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Trail Song
Little girl, back in the town.
love, dreams, infatuation, love song
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
An' A Two-Step's What They Play
A little queen in calico.
smile, wiles, dance, two-step, love, girlfriend
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
You can sing about the glory of the summer sunset skies.
girlfriend, maiden, love
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
A Romance of the Range
She's been out here a-teachin' this winter now that's past.
teacher, school marm, love, girlfriend, confession of love, heartache
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
An Ode to the Slow Horse
Oh, now that sleyin' time is here an' weather is jes' boss.
sleigh, slow horse, sparking
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
True Love
Oh, true love don't ne'er stampede at what folks think or say.
waitress, love, courtship
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Time's Heavy Hand
She was jes' a little granger an' her folks lived on Elk crick.
courtship, buggy, girlfriend, Sunday clothes, clothing
Cowboy Lyrics
FC 11 C-03
Robert V. Carr
Plato Disputed
When two folks love each other it hain't no earthly use.
love, Plato, halfway house