FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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29769 results found for "No Search Criteria Set"
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First Lines
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Show Me the Way
Oh Lord, at times I long for days gone by.
meditation, God, prayer, environment, past
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Women's Lib
Now I pride myself in being, a vital part of this outfit.
women, equality, feminist, occupation, housework, pulling calves
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Born Too Late
A 100 years ago when going was rough.
past, simplicity, bygone days, western life, occupation, work, ranching, cattle drive
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Sure Am Lucky
Labor Day is over.
relaxation, fun, appreciation, work, autumn
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Sod Busters
There ain't nothing' curls my bacon.
sod buster, prairie, grass, ground, land, plow, grazing, fences ranching vs. farming, farm, ranch
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
I'll Take a Horse Anyday
I fell asleep the other day.
dream, riding, machines, tractor, mechanization, farm
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Me and my ole "Bawly" horse.
riding fence, hog, wild boar, spooked, hired hand
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
The End of the Trail
Seems like only yesterday, I watched you being born.
birth, buckskin, horse, death, best friend, sharing, friendship
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Losers Buy the Drinks
It seems to make no never mind.
ranch hands, work, play, race
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
God's Funny Creatures
I was ridin' my ole cow horse.
women, men, cowgirl, gender roles, macho
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
The Death of a Ranch
There's something sad and lonesome 'bout a ranch that's left to die.
home, house, family, ranch, barn, sadness, change
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
The Cowboss
A tanned cowboy walks in with hopes that are high.
loneliness, girlfriend, sharing, wife, mate, heartache, longing, search, looking for love
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Calvin' Time
When calving' time is comin' up.
calving, heifers
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Miriah, Ha!
Way out here, out in the west.
wind, commentary
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
A Case of Spring Fever
Holy jumping catfish.
spring, warmth, feeling good
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
You're Selling What?!!
The time has come to stand up tall.
pet peeve, door-to-door salesman, livestock feed, salesman
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Used To Be
Used to be that in days gone by.
past, trust, handshake, values, progress, modern life, appliances, gentle, hospitality
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
He Needs it All
The pickup for most ranchers, is a home away from home.
pickup, truck, gear, occupation
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Do You Believe in Santa?
High in the hills, in the crisp, clean dusk.
Christmas, dance, cowman, giving, care, love, Christianity, Santa
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Two Champs
You knew his name across the land.
true grit, bronc riding, horse, rodeo, bronc busting
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
He's Not a Senior Citizen, He's a Cowboy
The true image of this cowboy rides a lonely trail today.
cowboy, aging, senior citizen, whittle
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
He Got Respect
When he yelled, "Ya come and get it."
grub, food, foodways, chuck, chuckwagon, cook
Cut from the Same Leather
FC 11 C-05
Jo Casteel
Thank You, Lord
We thank you Lord, for Thy great work.
gratitude, nature, worry, handiwork of God, life
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Jim Bridger
All carelessly we travel o'er the ways he trod alone.
Jim Bridger, frontier
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Hoss of Pecos Doyle
Now this is the tale of Pecos Doyle, of bad men quite the worst.
Pecos Doyle, badman, thirst, barroom, Boot Hill, shooting, loyalty, horse
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