FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Legend of the Sagebrush
When the Master Workman had done his task.
Creator, sagebrush, prairie
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Journalism in Cactus Center
Down here in Cactus Center we ain't much on splittin' hairs.
reporter, journalism, rustling, words, newspaper, press, slang
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Mother West
There is a mother, legend runs, of mothers quite the best.
West, home
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Graduation Day in Cactus Center
The sharp who was expected to address our graduates missed the stage.
advice, graduation, kindness, life, education
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Classic Dancing in Cactus Center
Down here in Cactus Center we have lived a life apart.
dance, aesthetics, distractions
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Call
Some men must follow the sea, and some must follow the plough.
choices, occupation
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Heart-Gift
Deep in the heart of the hills I slumbered.
marble, mountains, Lincoln Memorial
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Daylight Saving in Cactus Center
Down here in Cactus Center we believe in savin' time.
daylight, time, daylight savings
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center and the Census
Down here in Cactus Center we've been hearin' cities roar.
census, population
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center Learns Something
Down here in Cactus Center we are bogged in puzzlement.
fashion, clothes, fur, style, school marm, clothing, school teacher
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Semi-Centennial
We've been planning', here in Cactus, fer two months, or mebbe three.
celebration, anniversary, Founder's Day, floats, parade
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Easter in Cactus Center
You kin talk about your racin' with your horses neck and neck.
hat, bonnet, Easter
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Marshal
We was troubled some in Cactus by a gent named Six-Gun Steve.
law, marshal, trust
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Discipline in Cactus Center
We welcome folks in Cactus if they've got an honest lay.
correspondence school, scam, fake
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's War Talk
Down here in Cactus Center we was called on by a gent.
preparedness, armament, war
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Polo in Cactus Center
Down here in Cactus Center we are allus up-to-date.
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Novelist in Cactus Center
We was visited, in Cactus, by a classic-featured gent.
novelist, writing, work
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Nature-Faking in Cactus Center
We pride ourselves, in Cactus, on our powers of reserve.
conservatism, lecturer, fake
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Debate in Cactus Center
Down in Poker Bill's old 'dobe, we was talkin', gent to gent.
debate, President, employment, sheepmen, cattlemen
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Golf in Cactus Center
We was propped against the 'dobe of that joint o' Poker Bill's.
golf, tenderfoot, poker, frustration
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Telephone Girl
There's a telephone in Cactus--it's a new, long-talk machine.
telephone operator, long-distance calls
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Peace Conference in Cactus Center
We've been visited in Cactus by a most smooth-spoken gent.
war, disarmament, peace, dupe
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center and the Planet Mars
A stranger blowed in Monday, on the stage from 'crost Three Bars.
Mars, telescope, professor, drunk
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Country Uplift in Cactus Center
Since the Country Life Commission called upon our rival town.
irrigation, upgrading, tree planting
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Beauty Squad
We have heard, down here in Cactus, how they want some handsome men.
beauty, handsome, men
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