FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Aviation in Cactus Center
We have got a club in Cactus called the Conquerors of Air.
aviation, club, flying, plane
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Tariff in Cactus Center
We've observed, down here in Cactus, all this tariff-fixin' talk.
tariff, taxes, gun, shooting
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Sky Pilot
Down here in Cactus Center we have had a sudden shock.
preacher, church, dupe, building
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Arbor Day in Cactus Center
Jest to please our latest school ma'am we decided, weeks ago.
trees, Arbor Day, shooting, dispute, Japanese, racial prejudice
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Fire Brigade
We organized, in Cactus, a firemen's brigade.
firemen, fire fighting, volunteers, saddling horses
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Cactus Center's Slogan
We feel that Cactus Center is the Southwest's nat'ral hub.
booster's club, slogan, town
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Divorce in Cactus Center
Down here in Cactus Center we ain't herded much in schools.
marriage, divorce, lawyer, right, squaw, common law marriage
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Valentine Day in Cactus Center
Things is quiet, here in Cactus, and our bullyvards now lack.
valentines, cartoon drawings
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Freighter
There's a desert stretchin' on before.
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Sheepman's Story
There's a nester at the water hole.
nesters, homesteader, sheepmen, Wall Street, watering hole
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Last Drift
I've sold the old ranch, stock and all.
selling out, range, progress
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Art Student
The Kid has quit the ranch, doggone it all.
art, drawing
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Fifty-Eighter
"I came," said the stranger, "in fifty-eight."
Bret Harte, train, stranger
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The sagebrush ain't a handsome plant.
sagebrush, homesick, West
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
A Frontier Drama
Chuckwalla Chuck was a bold, bad man.
bully, tenderfoot
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Hill-Man's Lullaby
The city's fine and purty with its blaze of 'electric lights.
coyote, howl, sleep
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
An Oklahoma Reminiscence
She's standin' there, by the pasture fence, crippled and old and gray.
horse, Oklahoma, gray mare, race, reminisce
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Rattlesnake
No craven, thou, all silently to strike.
rattlesnake, snakebite cure, snake
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Remittance Man
Nobody seemed to know him, and nobody seemed to care.
counterfeiter, money
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Rough are the trails we follow, hot are the winds we face.
Navajo, Indians
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Santa Fe Trail
It winds o'er prairie and o'er crest.
Santa Fe Trail
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Cattle Rustlers
The spirit that lived in old Sherwood's lanes.
Robin Hood, rustlers, rustling
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Trail Bond
They have seen the storm clouds marshaled above the spire like peak.
brotherhood, bond
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
At the Cliff Dwelling
Like swallow's nest, upon the wall, it overlooks the canyon vast.
cliff dwelling, child, hand-print, past
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Seagulls of Salt Lake
The desert hush is on all things, one hears no crash of breakers wild.
seagulls, Salt Lake, dead sea, waves
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