FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
In Mesa-Land
In Mesa-Land the sand dunes stretch afar.
silence, peace, sand, mesa
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Forest Fire
The smoke-clouds roll like an angry flood.
fire, forest fire, nature, time
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Trail Song
The lead horse bends to the task, full strong.
mountain crest, climbing, rest
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Fire-Fighters
"Where's Smith and Hennessy, Edwards, Stowe...?"
firefighters, fire fighting
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Geysers of the Yellowstone
What Tantalus is chained below, to sigh thus through the years.
Yellowstone, geysers
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Dude Wrangler
Bring me some good red likker -- the kind that smokes in the glass.
dude, greenhorn, Yellowstone Pass, liquor
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Old Yaller Slicker
The old yaller slicker's the cowpuncher's friend.
yellow slicker, slicker, gear, clothing, style, rain
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
October on the Sheep Range
There ain't no leaves to turn to gold, there ain't a tree in sight.
autumn, October, sheep
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Hermit
He watches where the wild deer drink.
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
Watering the Trail Herd
The sand dunes stand, 'mid desert sheen.
water, watering hole, dry, desert
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Cliff Dwelling
On the cold, gray wall of the canyon deep.
cliff dwelling, petroglyphs, art, past
Cactus Center Poems
FC 11 C-06
Arthur Chapman
The Camel Ride of Arroyo Al
With an old, goat-whiskered burro, that had seen a better day.
prospector, Death Valley, burro, camels
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Diamond Drill Man
He's cut as clean as a new-made coin.
strength, personality, gold,
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
Tex was all we called him, in them days--
rope, drink, gambling, shoot, dance, governor, East
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Traders
Cowboys is the durndest boys to swap.
change things, deal, saddle, bridle, wives, trade
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Frontier Fort
Its walls of sod have crumbled.
past, redskin, bravery, memories, Indians
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Border Riders
The devil has opened his furnace door.
outlaw trail, dry, thirst, water, alkali, bullets
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Range Pirates
Me and my hoss --that's all the firm.
cattle land,outfits, rustler, steal, sagebrush seas, rustling
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Bunkhouse
The bunkhouse on the cattle ranch.
shelter, warmth, storytelling, papered walls, chat, smoke, card game cards
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The High-Heeled Boots
He stands upon the city street, keen-eyed, and brown of face.
cattle punching, wide sky, sagebrush, wolf, knight, change, grain
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Homesteader
There ain't no smiling vistas out where I've drove my stakes.
isolation, Lone Tree Draw, care, hard work, Mary Ann
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Kiddies' Play-Hour
The p'rade ground swimming' in sunshine, the colors.
children, nurses, officer's wife, soldiers, love, fort
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Indian Police
Give us the wind in our faces.
unfenced space, dander, plains, open range, trailing, battle, Indians
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
In Lonesome Land
In Lonesome Land few friends is all you need.
friendship, truth, honesty,
Out Where the West Begins
FC 11 C-07
Arthur Chapman
The Invalid
Sick in the cow-camp --moonin' round.
pain, ache, help, rain, dumpness, cheerfulness
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