FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection
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First Lines
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Cynic and Poet
A cynic once said to a poet.
doubt, life, hope, future, positive, negative
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Ode to the Northern
Thrice welcome to the Northern.
wind, cold, Labrador, storm, Viking, weather
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Dying Actor's Soliloquy
Life's farce is nearly ended.
monologue, age, sadness, grief, death
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Maine Coast
Come away, gentle rader, to the cool coast of Maine.
sea, nature, landscape, Indian, animals, flowers, smugglers, buccaneers, pirates
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Maverick Bill
I met him at the round-ups on the Double.
New York, frontiersman, hero, soldier, singing, Swanee River, Annie Laurie, stars, Great Spirit, home, boyhood, family, death
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
A Barefooted Boy
Exhausted to-night by the fire's dim glow.
past, memories, youth, childhood, boyhood, old home, happiness, Indians, father
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
What is Life?
Ah, what is life? A bubble blown.
time, search, mystery of life, experience
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
I'm Sad Tonight
I'm sad tonight -- alone am I.
grief, sadness, autumn, lonesome, woman, love, lost love
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Who Knows?
Through the meadows she is coming.
lovesong, uncertainty
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
A Texas "Lamb," or The Cowboy in Wall Street
I wuz riz on a ranch in ole Texas, yer know.
New York, broker, stockmen, money, stock exchange, fortune, lose money
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
A Drummer's Reverie by the Rio Grande
The wild prairie flowers with their beauty so rare.
open range, nature, isolation, boyhood, peace, memories, dreams
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Brer Brown's Collection
Look hyar, my Baptist breddren.
religion, money, preacher, collection, afterlife
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Remember the Alamo
Fair Greece and Rome brave heroes knew.
Texas, rangers, Gettysburg, Waterloo, Lone Star, honor, battle, freedom, bravery
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
A Sonnet to Night
The twilight's laces fringe the sea.
silence, nature,
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Lady Belle -- A Villanelle
Lovely lady, Lady Belle.
music, love song, love, courtship
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Round-Up
With the joy of the wind in our hearts and our faces.
cattle, cowboys, nesters, roping, branding, storytelling, roundup
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Her voice is like the mocking-bird's.
beauty, woman, admiration, love
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Old Log Fire
Yer kin preech uv the pleasures an' joys uv the rich.
home, ranch, warmth, literature, poems, Edgar A. Poe, Shakespeare, books
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Old Fort Phantom Hill
On the breezy Texas border, on the prairies far away.
landscape, nature, bison, past, legend, Lee, storm, North wind McKenzie Trail, soldiers, Johnston, Grant, Jackson, Custer, war
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Good Bye
Good Bye, Sweetheart -- our dream is past.
mourning, grief, sadness, fall
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
Reveries of a Bachelor
Long, long ago, a careless lad.
love, grammar school, admiration, marriage, heartache
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Hermit's Soliloquy
Afar on the prairies, afar and alone.
solitude, nature, memories, past, disappointment, hopeless, sorrow, mistrust, faithless love, despair, heartache, pain
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Waltz
The wooing waltz, the wooing waltz.
dance, music, kisses, romance
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
The Brazos Queen
Far down in Southern Texas, where the Brazos River flows.
woman, idol, beauty, courting, admiration, fashion, love, courtship
Ranch Verses
FC 11 C-09
William Lawrence Chittenden
At a lonely ranch 'neath a lonely sky.
Texas prairie, sadness, requiem, time, sorrow, hope