FOLK COLLECTION 11: The Skaggs Foundation Cowboy Poetry Collection

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First Lines
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
God's Reserves
One time, `way back where the year marks fade.
land, west, space, progress, desert, conservation, belief, God
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Married Man
There's an old pard of mine that sits by his door.
longing, pity, woman, wife, child, children, home, family, nesting
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Old Cow Man
I rode across a valley range.
wire, fencing, nester, fences, real estate, land, progress, cowman
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Plainsmen
Men of the older, gentler soil.
land, freedom, love of land
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Westerner
My fathers sleep on the sunrise plains.
generation, equality
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Wind is Blowin'
My tired hawse nickers for his own home bars.
longing, love, love lost, lovers, BW
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
On Boot Hill
Up from the prairie and through the pines.
Boot Hill, dead, maverick, death
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Coyote
Trailing the last gleam after.
coyote, howl, night, wilderness
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Free Wind
I went and worked in a drippin' mine.
money, work, mining, wind, outdoors, city, settle, youth, desert, BW
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Medicine Man
The trail is long to the bison herd.
rain, medicine man, gods, thunder hawk
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Piano at Red's
`Twas a hole called Red's Saloon.
piano, music, saloon, thoughts
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
A Ranger
He never made parade of tooth or claw.
murderer, ranger, law and order, tracking, gunfight
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
On the Drive
Oh, days whoop by with swingin' lope.
cattle drive, cattle trail
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
Saturday Night
Out from the ranch on a Saturday night.
dance, Saturday night, girlfriend, courtship
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
Southwestern June
Lazy little hawse, it's noon.
June, spring, relaxation, wasting time, laziness
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Night Herder
I laughed when the dawn was a-peepin'.
night-herding, night, love apart, thoughts
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
Hawse Work
Stop! There's the wild bunch to right of the trail.
wild horses
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
Fathers with eyes of ancient ire.
half-breed, Indians, White
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
To Her
Cut loose a hundred rivers.
love, devotion, woman
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Locoed Horse
As I was ridin' all alone.
horse, loco weed, death
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Long Way
Two miles of ridin' from the school, without a bit of trouble.
courtship, memories, youth
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
Forty miles from Taggart's store.
chuck, luck, freighting, wagon
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Rains
You've watched the ground-hog's shadow and the shiftin' weather signs.
spring, rain, water, seasons, rejuvenation
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Border
When the dreamers of old Coronado.
border, Spaniards, padres, religion, Indians, colonization, progress, invasion
Sun and Saddle Leather
FC 11 C-12
Charles Badger Clark
The Bad Lands
No fresh green things in the Bad Lands bide.
Bad Lands, evolution, past, ancient history, prehistoric
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